On January 14, 2018 over 85 LATICRETE team members from the Middle East and Africa got together to participate in the ONE LATICRETE ONE TEAM event held at Rixos Bab Al Bahr, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates.
On January 14, 2018 over 85 LATICRETE team members from the Middle East and Africa got together to participate in the ONE LATICRETE ONE TEAM event held at Rixos Bab Al Bahr, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates.

LATICRETE Middle East and Africa
David Rothberg, Chairman/CEO of LATICRETE International arrived and was met by a special team of Kandura performers, dressed in the local attire dancing to the tunes of a traditional Emirati song, in true form of a customary Emirati welcome.

The event kicked off with Ritesh Singh, General Manager, LATICRETE Middle East, sharing a video presentation of the journey and history of how LATICRETE started off in Dubai and grew as a successful business enterprise across the Middle East and Africa, while highlighting several iconic projects that the team has been a part of.
“It is said that the future belongs to those who can see it, and I wholeheartedly believe in it. The future of any business also lies in its ability to develop and sustain customer relationships. Beyond just the monetary significance, being customer centric is key to nourishing a growing business.” - Ritesh Singh, General Manager, LATICRETE Middle East
A highlight of the day was another video that Mr. Singh shared with the group of all the employees coming together chiming in with the phrase One LATICRETE One Family, in their own unique way and in different languages conveying the importance of the theme of the event, “ONE LATICRETE ONE TEAM”.
Mr. Rothberg spoke to the group (with the help of Faisal Saleem, VP LATICRETE International, translating into Hindi) the journey of LATICRETE throughout the past 61 years into a truly global company.
“As this is the beginning of the New Year, I challenge everyone in the LATICRETE M.E. team to set big goals and to put those goals in writing. If it’s in writing and you give it to someone to hold you accountable, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.”
– David Rothberg, Chairman/CEO of LATICRETE International, Inc.

David Rothberg and Ritesh Singh of LATICRETE
Team building fun was next on the agenda! Eight teams formed to take part in “Chinese Whispers”, “The Perfect Square” and “Build a Building” activities.
“Chinese Whispers”
A twist on the “Chinese Whispers”, or “telephone” game adopted where instead of whispering messages to their neighbor, they used actions instead. This made it a ton of fun for all playing and observing the game! The objective was to understand the implications of one’s actions and the need to listen attentively. It reminded the participants, just how quickly a message can be changed into something completely different when it is passed between even a few people. It educated the team to be mindful of what information is spread, given the fact that what is said or done, can have a negative impact on the individual or business that is being talked about.
“The Perfect Square”
The second activity, “The Perfect Square” each team stood in a circle and blindfold themselves. The objective was to form a large, perfect square with the rope, using its entire length. When the team had reached a consensus that they have formed the square, they call out “Perfect Square” and the results were inspected. The objective was for team participants to realize the importance of being able to get a clear mental image of the end result. It also demonstrated how empowering one’s teammates, contributed to goal attainment. Being blindfolded, the key was communication and the ability to work together as a team to achieve a favorable result.
“Build a Building”
The third activity, “Build a Building” each team was given the same set of tools, flipchart, foam board, masking tape, tennis ball and markers, to build a building. Using these tools, the teams had to first draw out and then construct a freestanding structure that had to be transported to the stage without falling apart. They then presented their project with a solid marketing plan to prove that their development was the best. The objective of the game was to understand strategy, planning a project, managing resources and collaborating to achieve a common goal, under the pressure of a tight timeframe.

Congrats to the winners, SUPERCAPTAINS, for their innovative idea, construction, teamwork and collaboration, marketing and presentation of their overall concept.

Winners of Building a Building team building activity
“As a company we see great potential in the Middle East and African markets. I’d like to wish the LATICRETE Middle East team good luck in all their efforts for the coming year and beyond.” – Faisal Seleem, VP LATICRETE International
We love that our team members are enjoying these events!
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