How do I install LATICRETE® 9235 Waterproofing Membrane?

LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane is a cold-applied, liquid rubber polymer that is used with LATICRETE Waterproofing/Anti-Fracture Fabric. The liquid is applied with a paint roller or paint brush and the fabric is embedded into the liquid until the liquid bleeds through the fabric. A top coat of the LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane liquid is immediately applied over the fabric. When dry to the touch, an additional coat of LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane liquid is applied to create a seamless membrane. LATICRETE LatasilTM is applied at adjoining surfaces, drains connections and pipe penetrations.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0
LATICRETE Fabric Reinforced Membrane Installation Instructions DS WPAF.5
LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane Installation Video Click Here

How do I install LATICRETE® Hydro BanTM?

LATICRETE Hydro Ban is a cold-applied, liquid rubber polymer which is applied with a paint roller, paint brush or airless paint sprayer. No membrane reinforcing fabric is typically required. The first liquid coat must be completely dry to the touch prior to applying the second coat of membrane liquid. LATICRETE Hydro Ban will change from a sage green color to an olive green color when dry. The second liquid coat can then be aplied and must also dry to the touch. A LATICRETE Latex-fortified thin-set (e.g. LATICRETE 254 Platinum) may be used to install most types of tile or stone directly to the LATICRETE Hydro Ban. Please refer to the LATICRETE Hydro Ban data sheet and LATICRETE Hydro Ban Installation Instructions for more complete information.

Related Documents:

Spraying LATICRETE Hydro Ban TDS 410
Hydro Ban DS 663.0
LATICRETE Hydro Ban Installation Instructions DS 663.5
LATICRETE Hydro Ban Installation Video Click Here

If I find an air bubble or blister in HYDRO BAN® XP, HYDRO BAN, 9235 Waterproofing Membrane, HYDRO BAN Quick Cure, HYDRO BARRIER™ Plus, or HYDRO BARRIER, what can I do?

Cut out the bubble or blister to sound and well-adhered membrane. Apply a liberal amount of waterproofing membrane liquid over the newly exposed area and overlap 2" to 6" (50mm to 150mm) onto surrounding membrane. If required in the original membrane application (e.g. 9235 Waterproofing Membrane), place the Waterproofing/Anti-Fracture Fabric into the wet liquid and ensure that the liquid bleeds through the fabric. Immediately top coat the area with an additional coat of membrane liquid. Allow to dry to the touch (typically 2 - 4 hours) and then place one more coat of liquid over the area. If flood testing, wait the stated period of time to flood test as stated on the product data sheet (for the membrane used), or, refer to the FAQ shown on this page.

Related Documents:

HYDRO BAN Quick Cure DS 670.4
HYDRO BAN Sheet Membrane DS 41
9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0

Can I use a mastic to install tile over a waterproofing membrane?

No. A latex or polymer fortified thin-set adhesive complying with ANSI A118.4 is required to properly bond tile or stone to a LATICRETE waterproofing membrane.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0
Hydro Ban DS 663.0
Hydro Barrier DS 105.0

What substrates can LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane and LATICRETE Hydro BanTM be directly applied to?

Clean, structurally sound concrete, exterior glue plywood (interior only), masonry surfaces, gypsum wallboard (interior only), cement boards and cement plasters. For applications in exterior conditions over occupied areas or applications where tile or stone will be installed over wood-framed decks - see LATICRETE Plaza and Deck System (DS 290.0).

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0
Hydro Ban DS 663.0
Plaza and Deck System DS 290.0

How soon can I install LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane over:

New Concrete - minimum 14 days at 70°F (21°C)
Latex mortar beds - next day at 70°F (21°C)
Leveling or patching materials - allow a full 72 hour cure time at 70°F (21°C).

NOTE: Most importantly for all substrates above; the substrate moisture content must not exceed 5 lbs./1,000 ft2/24 hours (283µg/s•m2) when tested using the Calcium Chloride test (ASTM F1869) or 75% Relative Humidity (RH) when tested with moisture probes (ASTM F2170).

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0
LATICRETE Fabric Reinforced Membranes Installation Instructions DS WPAF.5

How soon can I install LATICRETE Hydro Ban over:

New Concrete - minimum 14 day cure time at 70°F (21°C) and NOTE below.
Latex mortar beds - allow a full 72 hour minimum cure time at 70°F (21°C) and NOTE below.
Leveling or patching materials - allow a full 72 hour mimimum cure time at 70°F (21°C) and NOTE below.

NOTE: Most importantly for all substrates above; the substrate moisture content must not exceed 5 lbs./1,000 ft2/24 hours (283µg/s•m2) when tested using the Calcium Chloride test (ASTM F1869) or 75% Relative Humidity (RH) when tested with moisture probes (ASTM F2170).

Related Documents:


Hydro Ban DS 663.0
LATICRETE Hydro Ban Installation Instructions DS 663.5

How soon can I flood test LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane?

Seven days after installation at 70°F (21°C). Cooler temperatures require longer cure time.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0
LATICRETE Fabric Reinforced Membranes Installation Instructions DS WPAF.5
Flood Testing Procedures TDS 169

How soon can I flood test LATICRETE Hydro Ban?

Allow the second liquid coat of LATICRETE Hydro Ban to dry to a uniform olive green color and then allow two full hours cure at 70°F (21°C) prior to commencing flood test. For temperatures ranging between 50° and 69°(10°-21°C)allow the second coat of LATICRETE Hydro Ban to dry to a uniform olive green color and then wait for a full 24 hours prior to commencing flood testing.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE Hydro Ban DS 663.0
LATICRETE Hydro Ban Installation Instructions DS 663.5
Flood Testing Procedures TDS 169

What adhesives are acceptable for installing tile over LATICRETE® 9235 Waterproofing Membrane and LATICRETE Hydro Ban?

Some options are:
LATAPOXY® 300 Adhesive (for chemical resistant installations and the installation of moisture sensitive stone): requires LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane to cure for a full 7 days, or allow LATICRETE Hydro Ban to cure for 2 hours after the membrane has completely dried to the touch at 70°F (21°C), prior to installing tile or stone with LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive.
LATICRETE 254 Platinum
LATICRETE 254R Platinum Rapid
LATICRETE 3701 Mortar Admix mixed with LATICRETE 317

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0
LATAPOXY 300 Adhesive DS 633.0
LATICRETE 254 Platinum DS 677.0
LATICRETE 254R Platinum Rapid DS 729.0
LATICRETE 317 DS 317.0
LATICRETE 3701 Mortar Admix DS 231.0
LATICRETE Fabric Reinforced Membranes Installation Instructions DS WPAF.5
LATICRETE Hydro Ban Installation Instructions DS 663.5

What is the warranty on LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane and LATICRETE Hydro BanTM?

Labor and materials replacement for 25 years from date of installation when using the full LATICRETE System as outlined in terms and conditions of the LATICRETE Systems Warranty 025.0; otherwise, every LATICRETE product is backed by a one year product warranty (DS 230.13) when used solely as an individual component of a tile or stone installation, when used with LATICRETE products not listed on the warranty document, or when used with competitor's products. For other warranty options please visit

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0
LATICRETE Hydro Ban DS 663.0
LATICRETE 25-Year System Warranty DS 025.0
LATICRETE Product Warranty DS 230.13

Will LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane or LATICRETE Hydro BanTM control moisture or water from entering the underside of the tile system due to negative hydrostatic pressure or excessive moisture content?

No! LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane and LATICRETE Hydro Ban are both designed to contain water from the positive side only. The use of these membranes is not recommended where negative hydrostatic pressure or excessive vapor transmission exists. When a moisture vapor reduction membrane is required, use LATAPOXY 312 Vapor Reduction Membrane.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0
LATICRETE Hydro Ban DS 663.0
LATAPOXY 312 Vapor Reduction Membrane DS 312.0
LATICRETE Fabric Reinforced Membranes Installation Instructions DS WPAF.5
LATICRETE Hydro Ban Installation Instructions DS 663.5

How soon can I fill a pool or fountain for use after installing LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane or LATICRETE Hydro Ban?

Allow LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane to cure for a minimum 14 days at 70°F (21°C). Cooler temperatures will require a longer cure time. Fill and drain water-features and pools at a rate of 1” (25mm) per hour.

Allow the second liquid coat of LATICRETE Hydro Ban to dry to a uniform olive green color and then allow two full hours cure at 70°F (21°C) prior to commencing flood test. For temperatures ranging between 50° and 69°(10°-21°C)allow the second coat of LATICRETE Hydro Ban to dry to a uniform olive green color and then wait for a full 24 hours prior to commencing flood testing.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0
LATICRETE Hydro Ban DS 663.0
LATICRETE Fabric Reinforced Membranes Installation Instructions DS WPAF.5
LATICRETE Hydro Ban Installation Instructions DS 663.5
Installation of Ceramic Tile in Swimming Pools TDS 192

What types of sealant are compatible with LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane or LATICRETE Hydro Ban?

Use LATICRETE Latasil, a neutral cure, 100% silicone sealant which conforms to the following ASTM C920 standards; Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, Use NT, Use I, Use M, Use G. LATICRETE Latasil also passes ASTM C794 Adhesion Properties.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE Latasil DS 6200.1
LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0
LATICRETE Hydro Ban DS 663.0
LATICRETE Fabric Reinforced Membranes Installation Instructions DS WPAF.5
LATICRETE Hydro Ban Installation Instructions DS 663.5
LATICRETE Latasil Installation Video - Click Here

How do I treat the drains when using LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane or LATICRETE Hydro Ban?

You should use a 2-part clamping ring style drain (per ASME 112.6.3). LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane or LATICRETE Hydro Ban must be installed down into the drain assembly and clamped down between the clamping ring of the drain. Once the waterproofing membrane is dry to the touch, use LATICRETE LatasilTM and put a continuous bead of sealant between the waterproofing membrane and the clamping ring before bolting down the clamping ring.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0
LATICRETE Hydro Ban DS 663.0

LATICRETE Latasil DS 6200.1
LATICRETE Fabric Reinforced Membranes Installation Instructions DS WPAF.5
LATICRETE Hydro Ban Installation Instructions DS 663.5

Can you install LATICRETE® 9235 Waterproofing Membrane or LATICRETE Hydro BanTM over plywood in exterior applications?

No! LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane and LATICRETE Hydro Ban are not intended for this installation. You must use the LATICRETE Plaza and Deck System for these applications.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE Drawing ES-F103b
LATICRETE Plaza and Deck System DS 290.0
LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0
LATICRETE Hydro Ban DS 663.0
LATICRETE Installation Instructions for Membranes DS WPAF.5
LATICRETE Hydro Ban Installation Instructions DS 663.5
Exterior Installation of Tile and Stone Over Occupied Space TDS 157

When can I install tile over LATICRETE® 9235 Waterproofing Membrane or LATICRETE Hydro BanTM?

As soon as the final liquid coat is completely dry to the touch.

However, if flood testing is required;

Allow LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane to cure for a minimum of 7 days at 70°F (21°C). Cooler temperatures require longer cure times.

Allow the second coat of LATICRETE Hydro Ban liquid to dry to a uniform olive green color then allow two full hours cure at 70°F (21°C) prior to commencing the flood test. For temperatures ranging between 50° and 69° (10° to 21°C) allow the second coat of LATICRETE Hydro Ban to dry to a uniform olive green color and then wait for a full 24 hours prior to commencing the flood test.

Related Documents:

LATICRETE 9235 Waterproofing Membrane DS 236.0
LATICRETE Hydro Ban DS 663.0
LATICRETE Installation Instructions for Membranes DS WPAF.5
LATICRETE Hydro Ban Installation Instructions DS 663.5
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