What substrates are acceptable to receive ceramic tile or stone?
There are many suitable substrates for the direct adhesion of tile or stone. Among them are concrete, concrete masonry, brick, cement plaster, cement backer board, mortar beds, exterior glue plywood (interior only), and gypsum wallboard (interior, non-wet areas only). It is even possible to install tile over unusual substrates (e.g. steel, fiberglass) or over some existing finishes (e.g. terrazzo, epoxy coated floors, ceramic tile, stone, and vinyl). Please refer to other questions in this section for more information on installaing tile or stone over certain substrates and existing finishes.
Related Documents:
Product Selection Guide TDS 195
Can I install tile or stone directly to luan, particle board, oriented strand board (OSB), or other types of wood products?
No! Exterior glue plywood is the only suitable wood underlayment for installation of ceramic tile by the direct bond method (interior applications only). Masonite®, hardwood floors, strip wood floors, "yellow pitch pine" plywood, pressure treated plywood, marine grade plywood, fire treated plywood, composite panels, luan. wafer board, particle board, OSB, or similar reconstituted wood panels are not suitable substrates for the direct adhesion of tile or stone.
Related Documents:
Bonding Ceramic Tile, Stone or Brick Over Wood Floors TDS 152
Product Selection Guide TDS 195
Thin-set Troubleshooting Guide for Exterior Glue Plywood Surfaces TDS 210
How do I prepare a plywood floor to receive ceramic tile?
The following is the criteria for the proper construction of plywood floors:
The total plywood thickness must be a minimum of 1 1/4" (32mm) thick. The subfloor (bottom layer) must be tongue and groove. Either 3/4" (19mm) thick or 5/8" (17mm). For the 3/4" (19mm) subfloor, use a minimum of 1/2" (12mm) underlayment. For the 5/8" (17mm) subfloor, use a minimum of 5/8" (17mm) underlayment.
The subfloor and underlayment sheets must be installed perpendicular to the joists. Leave an 1/8" (3mm) gap between the sheets. You must use and exterior glue type of plywood (CDX) for the underlayment. Douglas fir will provide the best results. See LATICRETE Technical Data Sheet (TDS) 152 "Bonding Ceramic Tile, Stone or Brick Over Wood Floors" for more information on other types of suitable underlayments. The plywood must be fastened every 6" (150mm) at the perimeter and every 8" (200mm) in the field. Wafer head galvanized screws provide the best results. The floor joists must be no farther apart than 16" (400mm) on center. They must be a minimum of 2" x 10" in size (50mm X 250mm).
Verify that the wood floor does not exceed the maximum standard for deflection called for by International Building Code (IBC) for commercial installations, International Residential Code (IRC) for residential installations or the applicable building code, historically L/360 under combined live and dead load has been used for ceramic tile. L/480 under combined live and dead loads has been used for stone and agglomerate stone. Simply put, if the floor bounces too much, the tiles can crack and come loose, or the grout can crack and/or powder out.
For best results, use LATICRETE ®254 Platinum, or, LATICRETE 317 mixed with LATICRETE 333 Flexible Additive to install tile directly over exterior glue plywood. LATICRETE TDS 152 "Bonding Ceramic Tile, Stone or Brick Over Wood Floors" gives an overview on the proper construction of plywood floors.
Related Documents:
Bonding Ceramic Tile, Stone or Brick Over Wood Floors TDS 152
LATICRETE® 254 Platinum DS 677.0
LATICRETE 333 Flexible Additive DS 266.0
LATICRETE 317 Mortar DS 317.0
Can I install tile over existing vinyl or ceramic tile, or cut back adhesive?
Yes. However, make sure of the following for each specific type of existing condition:
Vinyl flooring (Interior Only) - The vinyl floor must be well bonded and free from any waxes, sealers, oils, dirt or other contaminants. It must be a full spread adhered system (not perimeter adhered) and must be non-cushioned. The flooring structure below the vinyl must be the proper thickness. (e.g. If the vinyl is installed over plywood - see LATICRETE TDS 152 "Bonding Ceramic Tile, Stone or Brick Over Wood Floors" for more information on the proper subfloor and underlayment thickness). Use LATICRETE® 254 Platinum, or, LATICRETE 317 Mortar mixed with LATICRETE 333 Flexible Additive for the excellent bond and performance to install the tile.
Existing Ceramic Tile - The existing ceramic tile must be well bonded and free from any waxes, sealers, oils, dirt or other contaminants. The flooring structure below the ceramic must be the proper thickness. (e.g. If the existing ceramic tile is installed over plywood - see LATICRETE TDS 152 "Bonding Ceramic Tile, Stone or Brick Over Wood Floors" for more information on the proper subfloor and underlayment thickness for the proper subfloor and underlayment thickness). Use LATICRETE 254 Platinum, LATICRETE® 211 Powder gauged with LATICRETE 4327 Latex Additive, or, LATICRETE 317 Mortar mixed with LATICRETE 333 Flexible Additive for the excellent bond and performance to install the tile for interior applications. Use LATICRETE 254 Platinum, LATICRETE 211 Powder mixed with LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive, or LATICRETE 317 Mortar mixed with LATICRETE 3701 Mortar Admix for exterior applications.
Non-water-soluble cut back adhesive (Interior Only) - Verify that the cut-back adhesive is not water-soluble by placing soapy water on the adhesive, allowing the solution to dwell for 10 - 15 minutes and then agitating with a stiff bristle brush. If the cut back adhesive starts to dissolve or soften, then it must all be removed. The flooring structure below the cutback adhesive must be the proper thickness. (e.g. If the cutback adhesive is installed over plywood - see LATICRETE TDS 152 "Bonding Ceramic Tile, Stone or Brick Over Wood Floors" for more information on the proper subfloor and underlayment thickness). Use LATICRETE 254 Platinum, or, LATICRETE 317 Mortar mixed with LATICRETE 333 Flexible Additive to install the tile.
Related Documents:
Installation of Ceramic Tile Over Existing Flooring TDS 135
LATICRETE® 254 Platinum DS 677.0
LATICRETE 333 Flexible Additive DS 266.0
LATICRETE 3701 Mortar Admix DS 231.0
LATICRETE 317 Mortar DS 317.0
LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive DS 230.1
LATICRETE 211 Powder DS 239.0
Can I install tile over a painted surface?
No. For the best results, the paint should be completely removed. There is no way to determine the long-term results of a new tile finish over a painted surface. The paint can peel, break down or otherwise come loose from the substrate. The best way to remove the paint is by mechanical abrasion. The use of chemicals to remove paint can result in a contaminated substrate.
Related Documents:
Installation of Ceramic Tile Over Painted Wall Surfaces TDS 131
How do I prepare a concrete floor to receive ceramic tile?
Make sure that the existing concrete is clean, dry, structurally sound and free from any bond breaking or bond inhibiting materials. Bond inhibiting materials can include, but are not limited to, sealers, waxes, oils, curing compounds, dirt, grease, form release agents, paint, old adhesives, cement laitance, etc... If these materials are present on the concrete, they must be completely removed prior to any direct bond installations of tile or stone. Additionally, the industry tolerance for substrate flatness is to have no variance greater than ¼” (6mm) in 10 ft. (3m). Use a LATICRETE self-leveling underlayment or patching material (e.g. LATICRETE® NXTTM Level PlusTM, LATICRETE 3701 Fortified Mortar, LATICRETE NXT PatchTM) to bring the concrete surface to within tolerance.
Related Documents:
Preparation of Concrete for Direct Bond Applications of Mortars and Membranes TDS 118
LATICRETE® NXTTM Level Plus DS 505.0
LATICRETE 3701 Fortified Mortar DS 100.0
How do I prepare an exterior wall to receive ceramic tile?
Walls to receive tile or stone must also be made smooth and plumb. If the wall needs a leveling coat refer to one of the applications listed below:
Related Documents:
LATICRETE Drawing ES-W201(E)
LATICRETE Drawing ES-W211(E)
LATICRETE Drawing ES-W221(E)
LATICRETE Drawing ES-W222(E)
LATICRETE Drawing ES-W241(E)
Questions about Self-Leveling Underlayment
When should I use LATICRETE® NXTTM Level Plus or LATICRETE NXT Level to prepare a floor?
Use LATICRETE NXT Level Plus (with LATICRETE NXT Primer) to level existing, clean concrete or exterior glue plywood floors (with properly fastened diamond wire lath) to depths up to 1 1/4” (32 mm) in thickness in a single lift. Use LATICRETE NXT Level (with LATICRETE NXT Primer) for applications up to 3" (76 mm) thick in a single lift. Please refer to the data sheets for these products for more information.
Related Documents:
Preparation of Concrete for Direct Bond Applications of Mortars and Membranes TDS 118
LATICRETE® NXTTM Level Plus DS 505.0
Questions about Sound Control Underlayment
What can I use to reduce impact sound transmission through my tile or stone floor installation?
There are two options which LATICRETE can provide to help minimize the transmission of impact sound through a flooring assembly;
Option 1: LATICRETE® 125 Sound & Crack Adhesive is a multi-functional product which provides sound control (ΔIIC of 15), anti-fracture protection (exceeding ANSI A118.12 requirements up to 1/8"[3mm]), and a tile adhesive.
Option 2: LATICRETE 170 Sound & Crack Isolation Mat is a 1/8"(3mm) thick sound control membrane manufactured from 89% recycled rubber content. Easy to install using LATICRETE 254 Platinum or LATICRETE Sure SetTM, LATICRETE 170 Sound & Crack Isolation Mat provides a ΔIIC of 20 to a flooring assembly.
Related Documents:
LATICRETE and Sound Control TDS 163
LATICRETE® 125 Sound & Crack Adhesive DS 024.0
LATICRETE 170 Sound & Crack Isolation Mat DS 170.0
LATICRETE 254 Platinum DS 677.0